Sabrina Cupeiro • 23 نوفمبر 2022
in community SDG 6 IWRM Community

The assessment processes of Indicator 6.5.1 (Degree of implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management - IWRM) of SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), have reflected the need to advance in the implementation of IWRM at the country level and in Latin America more broadly.  Institutional strengthening processes, policies, regulations, knowledge management and stakeholder engagement are fundamental to encourage the adoption of innovative mechanisms to increase investment in water management, protection and conservation, and water security in Latin America.  Assessments of the degree of implementation of IWRM in 2020 indicate that the financial dimension is one of the aspects that lags furthest behind in the region. To change this reality, various economic/financial mechanisms can be promoted, together with adequate legal frameworks and technical and institutional support.  

In this context, it is important to review the experiences and lessons learned that have been generated in Central and South American countries. For this reason, on November 10th, 2022, GWP Central America (CAM) and GWP South America (SAM), UNEP, UNEP-DHI, AECID and CODIA, organised the virtual workshop "Financing for Water Security in Latin America", with the aim of strengthening the processes that are being promoted in the countries of the region, and to discuss opportunities to increase investment in water security.  

"It is an honour to be part of this activity on a relevant topic for our region" said Alejandra Mujica, Regional Coordinator of GWP South America.  

In reference to the different types of financing and organisations involved, Natalia Gullón, Technical Advisor of the Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation (FCAS) of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), said that "in the financing puzzle, each organisation brings its added value". The FCAS promotes an enabling environment, including citizen participation and transparency.

Javier Neme, Programme Management Officer, Science-Policy Unit - UNEP LAC Office (UNEP), pointed out that "there are so many actors when we talk about financing, we have to think about the complex governance of water".  

In reference to the status of IWRM in Latin America, Colin Herron, Senior Water Resources Management Specialist, GWPO, on behalf of the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme, spoke about the state of water security financing globally and in Latin America: "there are countries that report progress in certain dimensions of IWRM. However, everyone needs to increase their effort, and that is why we want to create a community that allows for the exchange of experiences".  

In relation to the strengthening of water governance to generate the conditions that lead to the adequate management of financing, Mar Gracia - Permanent Technical Secretariat of CODIA, pointed out that, according to the results of the analysis of Indicators in the framework of IWRM carried out by CODIA for Latin America, "in the results of 6.5.1 we saw that one of the priority fields of action has to do with implementing adequate economic instruments to guarantee the sustainability of IWRM".  

For their part, Franz Rojas, CAF Water and Sanitation Director, and Juan Francisco Saldaña, Director of Planning for Institutional Development, Dominican National Institute of Water Resources (INDRHI), offered their views on the challenges and opportunities to increase investment for water security.  

"Results-based financing is a new typology, where the rate can be lowered based on the results achieved," said Rojas.     

Saldaña added that, in relation to the case of the Dominican Republic, "a lot of investment is required in the management, protection, conservation and appropriate use of water, especially in education and awareness".  

The exchange included a space for the presentation of two economic-financial mechanisms for water security:   

  • Water tariffs, institutional arrangements and instruments for the protection of water sources for Lima, Peru, presented by Mariella Sanchez, Executive Director of Aquafondo.

  • The Canon de Aprovechamiento de Agua as an instrument to strengthen governance and investment in water security in Costa Rica, by Jose Miguel Zeledón, Director of Water of MINAE.  

To learn first-hand how countries are working, an exchange was held where participants shared their experiences on successful financing initiatives and the challenges for financial sustainability.  

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This event took place in the framework of the "IWRM Learning Journey and Community of Practice (CoP) for SDG 6". Join the IWRM Community of Practice: