Event date 4 مارس '25 12:00 - 13:30 (UTC)
Event location online
Responsible organisation

Join Our Upcoming Virtual Exchange: "Stalemate on Drought at COP16: Charting the Path Forward" 

Tuesday, 4 March 2025 | 13:00 - 14:30 CET | 12:00 - 13:30 UTC | 


Kick off the year with our first Virtual Exchange of 2025, focusing on the ongoing drought challenges discussed at COP16 and exploring future solutions. 

🔗 Join the pre-event discussion here and help shape the conversation by sharing your questions and insights before the session.


  • Birguy Lamizana (UNCCD Secretariat) will share the UN perspective. 

  • Michael Bruentrup (former IWG Chair) will provide expert insights. 

  • Rodrigo Andrade Ramirez (Chile's Ministry of Agriculture) will offer a national perspective. 

Marketplace: Present your projects and ideas in a 3-minute presentation. Contact Sabina Bokal (sabina.bokal@gwpcee.org) to participate. 

REGISTER HERE to be part of this conversation. 

Before the event you are invited to share your thoutgs

Let's shape the way forward, together!
