Funding initiative
Financing type
Geographical coverage
Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) managed by GEF
Grants and expert technical assistance
Least developed countries
preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs)
6 focal areas,
among them climate change and international waters
partner agencies
Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF)
All developing countries that are parties to the UNFCCC
increase climate resilience in areas such as water resources, land, agriculture,
health, infrastructure development, disaster preparedness, fragile ecosystems and coastal zones
support LDCs in responding to climate change and, in particular, to prepare and implement NAPAs and NAPs
public and private entities
Adaptation Fund (managed by GEF)
Developing countries
emission reduction projects and emission trading
schemes between developed and developing countries
national and regional level
dedicated and accredited national, regional or multi-lateral implementing entity
International Climate Initiative (IKI)
countries, emerging economies and transition states
activities in developing countries that are determined in these
countries’ NDCs; supports transformative mitigation,
adaptation, REDD+, and biodiversity projects
primary level of intervention is the national level,
it also supports multi-country projects at the regional and
global levels
broad range of participants
beyond national ministries and government agencies,
including international and multilateral organizations, as
long as the respective project has an implementation partner
in the target region
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA)
Yearly calls for proposals to mobilise the Euro-Mediterranean scientific communities, stakeholders and public and private entities to identify
Algeria, Croatia, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey.
research and innovation solutions for more sustainable water and food management; aims to improve water availability and sustainable agriculture production in a region heavily distressed by climate change, urbanisation and population growth.
basin level
project specific
EU Water Initiative Plus
Eastern Partnership programme, through country dialogues
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine
convergence of national policies and strategies with the EU WFD, IWRM principles, MEAs and UNECE Water Convention
AfDB African Water Facility
Grants and expert technical assistance
African countries
supports improved development, equitable and sustainable management of water resources; three areas - Project Preparation, Water Governance and Water Knowledge
National and regional
governments, NGOs and private-public partnerships
World Bank Cooperation in International Waters in Africa (CIWA)
Investments and expert technical assistance
African countries
investments to develop water infrastructure and offers technical support and analyses to create a better understanding of transboundary water issues so that governments
basin and national
government, RBO
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Loans, equity, guarantees and grants
activities related to adaptation and mitigation in the context of developing
countries Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
Great Lakes Funder Collaboration
Direct investment and grants
US, Canada
transboundary water management in Great Lakes basin
basin level
Water Funder Initiative
Advocacy to attract more funding
US, Canada
philanthropic funding to various causes whose aim is to identify and fund promising water solutions; commitment to basin level management in order to balance environmental, social and economic considerations
basin level
NEPAD Infrastructure Project
Preparation Facility Special Fund
Grants and transitioning to a blend of grants and cost-recovery
African countries
prepare bankable regional infrastructure projects in energy, transport, ICT and trans-boundary water
regional and continental infrastructure projects
African Governments, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and African infrastructure-related institutions (Power Pools, Corridor Agencies, etc)
Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
Sector studies/programme development
African countries
development of regional and continental infrastructure (Energy, Transport, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Trans-boundary Water Resources)
regional and continental infrastrure projects
Blue Peace Bonds
Blended public and private instruments, bonds issues by TRBOs or municipalities
basin management and development
basin level
issued by a municipality, transboundary water organisation or another non-sovereign entity
Cubango-Okavango Endowment Fund
Sinking fund and endowment fund , long-term financing
Angola, Botswana, Namibia
livelihood improvement
and environmental conservation across the basin
basin level
Congo Basin Blue Fund
Blended finance fund and grants
Congo basin riparians
water-related activities (e.g. navigation,
hydropower, irrigation, fisheries and tourism) that are expected to mitigate climate change in the region
basin level
Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
Credit, non-refundable resources, and support in the technical and financial structuring of projects in the public and private sectors
Latin America
sustainable development; WASH
Water and Sanitation Cooperation Fund (FCAS)
National water fund, grants and loans
Latin America
Sustainable access to drinking water.
Sustainable access to basic sanitation services, including the management of solid waste.
Reinforcement of institutional policies and frameworks concerning water management, aimed at improving coordination and participation in the management of water.
Reinforcement of the integral management of water.
Establishment of sustainable systems for the provision of the public services of water and sanitation.
Government (national, regional, local) and NGOs
Multi-donor twin fund, non-reimbursable financing
Latin America; Caribbean
Access to water and sanitation in sparsely populated areas; Water security and climate change; Corporate governance of water and sanitation service providers; Urban drainage and flood control
government entities, water and sanitation utilities (public, private, mix or cooperatives), academic institutions, NGOs and civil society organizations, the private sector
ADB Water Financing Partnership Facility
Multi-donor trust fund: loan, grant, guarantee; project support and program quality support
ADB developing member countries
implementation of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) water financing program; Water as a sustainable resource, Universal water and sanitation services, Productive water in agriculture and the economy, Reduced water-related risks
AfDB NEPAD-IPPF - Infrastructure project preparation facility
Multi-donor fund for grants
regional member countries of the Bank Group, regional economic communities, power pools, river basin organizations, corridor authorities and other infrastructure-related and specialized regional/continental institutions
transport, energy, ICT, and water resources management