Rianna Gonzales
in community SAYWIN Community

Spring 2022: GWP Recruiting Five Interns to the Global Secretariat


GWP is looking for candidates to cover 5 internship positions in spring 2021. All positions will support GWP’s work in the global secretariat in Stockholm, Sweden, but due to the ongoing pandemic, some or all of the internships may be carried out remotely. The length of each contract is 3-6 months, and the deadline to apply is 07 January 2022.

The recruitment is part of GWP’s ongoing Internship Programme, which provides opportunities for students interested in sustainable development and water governance to gain work experience in the worldwide GWP network. Please note that GWP offers no remuneration or any other financial support for its internship positions.


The open positions for spring 2022:

SDGs - Water, Food, Ecosystems - Gender - Transboundary - Learning and Knowledge

Internship: Water Solutions for the SDGs

The intern will be part of the Water Solutions for the SDGs team in the Network Operations Unit and assist the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme in its knowledge sharing, promotional and investment attracting activities.  Learn more and apply now.

Internship: Water, Food, Ecosystems for the SDGs / Water Information Sharing Exchange

The intern will be part of the Network Operations Unit, supporting thematic work on water and food, ecosystems, the Water – Energy – Food nexus, and on water data sharing through an IWRM lens. Explore the opportunity and apply now.

Internship: Supporting Gender work with focus on the partnership with Community of Women in Water

This internship is an opportunity for a young professional on water issues to learn more and support the work on GWP on gender inclusion and to engage with a broad range of water experts from around the world through GWP’s partnership with the Community of Women in Water (CWiW). This internship will provide networking and growth opportunities for the individual as well as competencies on tasks that will be needed for most full-time jobs. The position will be 60% on GWP gender work and supporting the Gender and social inclusion specialist and 40% working with the Founder of CWiW to support activities of CWIW, that GWP is partnering with since 2021. Learn more and apply now.

Internship: Transboundary Water Cooperation

As part of the transboundary water team, the intern will be supporting a wide range of activities in the area of transboundary water cooperation, as well as ad-hoc tasks related to GWP. The key area of work involves supporting the implementation of the Massive Open Online Course on Transboundary Freshwater Security, knowledge and learning tools and events related to transboundary water, and the development of communication materials. Explore the details and apply now.

Internship: Learning and Knowledge Management

The selected candidate will support the GWP’s Knowledge and Learning agenda and activities. This will include working on the GWP ToolBox: IWRM Action Hub - an online platform with more than 85 tools on integrated water resources management and live communities. The candidate will also contribute to developing a series of publications on multi-stakeholder partnerships for good water governance. Learn more and apply now.

Are you ready for your next challenge? GWP looks forward to collaborating with you!