Yelysaveta Demydenko
in community Groundwater Family

Thursday, December 8th, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Session coordinator: IGRAC
Session contributor: UNESCO

The use of scientific research and innovation to inform water policy development and the practical implementation of management solutions is essential. However, due to the diversity and complexity of environmental and societal problems, it is often challenging to identify the role of groundwater and adequately incorporate it into the management process. Moreover, policy makers, water managers and practitioners do not always have a sufficient overview of the  tools, measures and instruments available to them that could be applied to manage and solve interconnected groundwater issues. Limited availability of data, the invisible nature of groundwater and its complex physical dynamics add additional barriers to its inclusion within water policy and management implementation. 

In this context, this session will be dedicated to enhancing the interface of science-policy-practice by showcasing the perspectives, innovations and ideas of scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to deal with these complex and unique challenges.    

Available tools to support practitioners in the selection of groundwater and IWRM solutions will be presented alongside case studies of successful implementation. Experts from academia, policy and practice will discuss the opportunities and barriers to science informed policy and practice. Recommendations and priority actions will be formulated to be included in the overall outcomes of the Groundwater Summit. 

  • Zhong Zhiyu(Opening Address)Ministry of Water Resources China, Chief Engineer
  • Anita Milman(Overview Presentation)University of Massachusetts Amherst, Professor
  • Christina Fraser(Showcasing Tools to Support the Science-Policy-Practice Interface)International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC), Groundwater Specialist
  • Alyssa Dausman, PhD(Showcasing Tools to Support the Science-Policy-Practice Interface)The Water Institute, Senior Vice President & Chief Scientist
  • Yumiko Yasuda(Showcasing Tools to Support the Science-Policy-Practice Interface)Global Water Partnership, Senior network & transboundary water cooperation specialist
  • Aditi Mukherji(Panelists)International Water Management Institute, Principal Researcher
  • Tom SOO(Panelists)International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) and Member of the Water Policy Group, Executive Director
  • Zione Butao(Panelists)Department of Water Resources, Malawi
  • Cesar Carmona-Moreno(Panelists)European Commission/DG Joint Research centre, EC Senior Expert - Principal Researcher on Water Management in Development Countries
  • Elisabeth Lictevout(Rapporteur)Director of IGRAC, International Groundwater Resources Assessment CentreDirector of IGRAC, International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre
  • Alice Tilley(Rapporteur)UNESCO GWYN