Rianna Gonzales
Date de l'évênement 25 oct '23 13:00 - 14:30 (UTC)
Responsible organisation

Webinar on Why Political Economy Matter in Water Sector


We are pleased to invite you to a learning event on Why political Economy Matters in the Water Sector, taking place on 25 October 2023, 15.00-16.30 CEST. The online workshop is jointly organized by two thematic networks/sections of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC): the RésEAU (SDC’s Water network) and the PGE section.

Please register via the following link: https://shorturl.at/tLPS7

This e-workshop provides a space for exchange amongst water professionals and governance experts to unpack and address the political and economic power dynamics often encountered in water projects. Insightful examples on how PEA is applied in concrete contexts will feed this interactive session. The event is as well an opportunity for networking and for peer to peer exchange -  potentially nurturing a future Community of Practice (CoP) on PEA.


  • Javier Zubieta, Sustainable Landscapes Subprogram Manager, Helvetas Bolivia with a case study on Watershed management in areas of mining activity, Bolivia”
  • Anne Joselin, Infrastructure Advisor, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UK with a case study on Enhancement, monitoring and operation of an urban water supply system, Democratic Republic of Congo”
  • Prof. Dr. Tobias Haller, Co-Director of the Institute of Social Anthropology, University of Bern with reflections on the RésEAU Brief #4 “Why political economy matters in the water sector”.

You will find more information on the case studies in the flyer attached while detailed information about SDC’s approach to Political Economy Analysis can be found here.
