Darja Istenič
Date de l'évênement 5 Sep '24 11:00 - 12:30 (UTC)
Event location Online
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The fourth webinar of a webinar series The power of Nature-Based Solutions for wastewater & stormwater treatment is approaching. It will be about NBS for informal settlements. 

There'll be four speakers:

  • Uwe Kappelmeyer, UFZ, Germany: Greywater treatment in an urban slums in South Afrika
  • Frank van Dien, ECOFYT, The Netherlands: Retrofitted gravity based constructed wetlands for social housing in cities in Ethiopia
  • Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero, Leeds University, United Kingdom: The use of wastewater stabilisation ponds for combined sewered and non-sewered sanitation in Uganda
  • Tony Wong, Monash University, Australia: Revitalising informal settlements and their environments using NBS

Don't miss it and registere here: https://www.gwp.org/en/About/more/Events-and-Calls/2023/nature-based-so…;