Our approach is based on building capacity, partnership and synergistic intervention among youth and awareness raising while connecting them to opportunities. This ongoing activity started in 2017 with several steps:
On November 3-4, 2017, a training workshop on flood and drought risk prediction and management was held in Yaoundé (Cameroon), organized by the Water For Life Cameroon with the support from Global Water Partnership, UNESCO Central Africa Multi sector Bureau, World Meteorology Organization and Water Youth Network.. This workshop as part of EYD2R project helped youth to clearly understand concepts around hydroclimatic risks and challenges associated.
Then from May 30th to June 1st 2018 a workshop on hydroclimatic project writing and financing was organized at Global Water Partnership Central Africa (GWP CAf) with support from UNESCO Central Africa Multi sector Bureau, Water Youth Network and GWP/WMO Associated Programme on Flood Management. This was in line with «Enhancing Youth Participation to flood and drought disaster risk reduction in developing countries (EYD2R)» action plan. This workshop's goals were to identify project ideas as well as train youth in project planning and management. It was the occasion to highlight tips on climate finance and mechanisms. Participative, gender and emergency prevention/response approaches were also exposed. 10 specialists from UN Women Cameroon, UNESCO Central Africa Multi Sector Bureau, GWP CAF, Red Cross, JAD, J2D-Afrique, Water For Life Cameroon, Water Youth Network, Cameroon Civil Protection Agency, and local councils shared their knowledge through oral presentations and practical sessions.
Following those capacity building session, “We4future initiative” to link up youth organizations working in climate, environment and water fields was conducted with support from Konrad Adenauer Foundation. It aimed at mobilizing youths, linking them up across regions and help them to build synergies. This was done through regional meetings across the country during which Youth organization discussed about what they do, their constraints and existing potential. The census and meetings held between July and December 2019 helped to identify 156 youth organizations and crucial need for a communication platform and dialogue with decision makers to give youths a voice and fill knowledge gaps.
Between July and November 2020 with support from UNESCO Central Africa Bureau following a joint advocacy with RECOJAC, technical and financial support was given to CODAS Caritas for a pilot project on “improvement of access to potable water in rural area through Moringa coagulation and filtration” as a contribution to solutions for water security in the Mayo Danay division..
Between July and October 2021 06 Youths organizations were engaged to identify and help to register in an online database (https://www.expertiseaucameroun.org/ ) experts in the water sector from public, private, CSOs institution throughout the country. 502 profiles were registered and put online with support from UNESCO Central Africa Multi sector Bureau. This was the opportunity for these 16 youths to connect with national water experts from public, private, CSO and NGO institutions all through the country.
For youth to understand government strategy on climate change and dialogue with them on actual and potential contribution to that response strategy, a workshop was held on April 21st and 22nd 2022 with support from the Friedrich Erbert Foundation. 38 youth organizations from all regions, 03 ministries (agriculture, transport and environment) and 03 key speakers among whom the National Focal Point of United Nation climate Change Convention were part of the discussion. This was the occasion to highlight government initiatives, national commitments, planned government project for climate adaptation and resilience, but also to showcase youth contribution as well as constraints and opportunities for collaboration.