Capacity development refers to the process whereby individuals, organisations, and societies obtain, strengthen, and maintain the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time. This sub-section introduces the core principles and levels of capacity development together with breaking down the capacity development cycle. Tools in this sub-section underpin capacity development serving as practical mechanisms to support the process.
Capacity development stands for “the process of individuals, organisations, and societies obtaining, strengthening, and maintaining the capabilities to set and achieve their own development objectives over time” (UNDP, 2009, 5). After years of debate within the development community, “capacity development” was advised to be used instead of “capacity building” alluding to a number of conceptual deficiencies of the latter. First, it defines a process which starts from the ground up involving creation of a new structure with a preconceived design meaning there are no existing capacities to start from (OECD, 2008). Second, capacity building is usually a one-off intervention supporting only the initial steps of creating capacities (UNDP, 2009).