PPWSA undertook major reforms and transformed a war-ravaged water utility into a commendable model that stands for other cities to emulate. Since 1993 with a long series of transformations that started within PPWSA’s top management, based on a culture of change and donor support led to a significant turnaround. Over a period of 15 years, PPWSA went through major changes that catapulted the water utility into one of the more successful water service providers in the region. Political support for the reform process came with the Prime Minister giving full support. The top management was restructured, and dynamic younger personnel with more advanced qualifications were promoted to senior posts with more responsibilities. The water authority was granted autonomous status with independent management.
The factors that contributed to this turnaround included investing in staff and providing incentives, promoting transparency, involving civil society, and investing in modern management procedures and technology. Other improvements included establishing a complete consumer database, reducing NRW to less than 6%, improving collections, metering all of the utility’s water supply coverage, and introducing 24/7 water supply. Operations were also made more efficient by overhauling the old infrastructure, and streamlining the billing process, among a slew of new measures. Because of these reforms, the PPWSA has widened its distribution network from serving 40% of Phnom Penh in 1993 to over 90% in 2009 with clean, affordable water.