According to the Environmental Directorate of the Municipality, recovery work in the area of Talcahuano started out towards the end of 1990, undergoing a major boost as a result of the alarm generated by the fire in the San Vicente Bay in March of that same year and planned in 1995. The deterioration in the quality of life of its inhabitants, the contamination of water, air and soil and the image of it being one of the most contaminated municipalities in Chile harboured in the municipal authorities the commitment to start on a recovery strategy, starting out with those problems which, being the most serious, allowed for a speedy solution. This manifestation was given credibility by the community and businesses, allowing for the design of participative strategy under community leadership, having a shared view of development; “Talcahuano, balanced city, opportunity for all”, to be started in 1995 with the execution of the three instruments for which there was funds for the Strategic Plan, the Development Plan and the Municipal Regulator Plan.
The key element achieved through participation was that each resource user be held accountable for the sustainable management of the resource; applicable to national and regional government, business, the community and the Municipal Government itself. The municipality also took on the responsibility of seeking a balance between the different interest at play, such as economic development, the protection of natural resources and the quality of life of people living in the municipality. Under these criteria, the Municipality undertook to initiate the following actions:
- Territorial and environmental regulation of the municipality, with community participation, through a new Regulation Plan, financed by the Municipality and with national government contributions.
- Plans for Improving the Quality of Water, Air and Soil resources, with industrial finance.
- Plan for Integral Sanitation of all municipal sectors, funded by the Municipality.
- Integral clean-up plan for all municipal areas, funded by the Municipality.
- Urban Solid Residue Integral Management Plan, funded by the Municipality.
- Training and Awareness raising program, funded by the Municipality.
- Permanent Supervision plan and Regulation Application, in accordance to impact severity, technically demonstrated through monitoring, funded by the Municipality and Public Services.