A multi-sectoral inventory and assessment of water resources and their management had to be conducted first. Then, a detailed programme of measures aimed at achieving good status for water resources had to be developed, taking into consideration economic, social, environmental, and transboundary aspects of water management. Specific activities have been conducted throughout project implementation to reinforce Estonian administrative capacities leading to development of information tools, training of staff, information diffusion, and awareness building among stakeholders.
The project developed a management plan for the Viru-Peipsi catchment area, in order to enhance the protection of the water resources of the Narva river and Lake Peipsi basins. The expected long-term impacts included a progressive move towards a cessation of discharges, emissions and release of hazardous substances listed in the EU Priority List, in EU Lists I and II of Dangerous Substances, and in an Estonian-specific list of hazardous substances.
To develop the draft RBMP, the project carried out inventory and data gathering activities, in cooperation with the relevant national institutions. The project also elaborated an economic assessment of the expense of reducing the municipal, agricultural and industrial pollution load and proposed water protection and clean-up measures.
Capacity building activities included the training of technical staff in monitoring and sampling, as well as the upgrading of technical equipment (PCs, and GIS and MIS applications, for example). The project was instrumental in improving stakeholder dialogue and participation. The project carried out an extensive dissemination and exchange of information in Estonia including national-level television broadcasts.