The project “Promoting IWRM and Fostering Transboundary Dialogue in Central Asia” financed by United Nations Development Project (UNDP), EU, Finland and ENVSEC was launched to analyse the current state of the legal framework for IWRM and to identify the potential for improvements. It is a regional project implemented in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
The key issue for the region is a more efficient water resources management, rather than water deficiency. This Project is to provide further advancement of IWRM already initiated in the partner countries that have been created by previous projects and other initiatives, and will in particular build on successful experiences at both national and transboundary levels. The project also identified weak points of the framework together with recommendations for improvement. As a result, the project developed recommendations to amend the Water Code.
Findings and the full assessment were published in five books that are publicly available (CDs, online) free of charge. They are in great demand since they give comprehensive explanations on the implementation of articles of the Kazakhstan Water Code.
The project managers expect the recommendations and explanations to be a significant contribution to the development of the water management system and to a promotion of IWRM and public involvement in the management of water resources.