The NCWR Programme activities are designed and implemented by GWP-Med. Following the initial identification of needs and on-site visits, potential sites are identified, taking into consideration primarily water scarcity issues and current and future water challenges. All applications are site-specific, and the final selection is made according to local needs and costing. Infrastructure works are of small and medium size. Technical works are carried out by contractors, selected through a tendering process, according to EU legislation and regulation.
The Program offers a holistic approach toward NCWR management. Activities include:
- Demonstration applications of RWH and NCWR (mainly grey water reuse) systems at local level;
- educational activities and material used in schools in the countries;
- awareness raising activities aiming at educating people to a new water culture, necessary for addressing the current and future water scarcity challenges, as part of the climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy. It is also complemented by regional policy dialogue on the subject as well as capacity building activities for targeted stakeholders (local and central authorities, NGOs, technicians, etc.) in order to advance NCWRM.
The educational activities are carried out by the educational partners in cooperation with the respective Ministries of Education in the countries. Country-specific educational materials (educational packages, video games, posters, etc.) have been developed, like the “Gift of Rain” and “Alter Aqua”. Hands-on activities are implemented in schools using this material. Annual teachers training seminars are held under the auspices of the respective Ministries of Education in the countries.
Awareness raising involves traditional, electronic, and digital tools (brochures, videos, animated videos, video games, etc.) and targets various audiences, through newsletters, publications, advertorials, press releases and social media.