Dear all,
On 5 March, in collaboration with the IWA Working Group on Nature-based Solutions for Water and Sanitation, we organised a webinar on cost-effectiveness and co-benefits of NBS. We hosted four prominent speakers who talked about how to optimise the cost-effectiveness of different nature-based wastewater treatment systems and increase their social benefits:
- Peder Gregersen, Centre for recycling, Denmark: Zero-discharge willow systems – sludge handling and climate change resistance
- Anacleto Rizzo, IRIDRA, Italy: Gorla Maggiore Water Park, a park that treats combined sewer overflow
- Ania Morvannou, ecoBird, France: French system
- Rohini Pradeep, CDD India: Improved Pond system for Wastewater Treatment
Here you can find the recording of the entire webinar. Many questions were asked during the webinar. We invite you to continue the discussion, express your opinion on the topic or share your experiences in the comments section below.