Sandra Bruehlmann • 5 五月 2022
in community SDG 6 IWRM Community

The SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme is inviting integrated water resources management (IWRM) professionals and experts to embark on a learning journey focused on Innovative Financing for Water Security through an IWRM approach taking place in the newly created SDG 6 IWRM Community of Practice.  

What is the learning journey about? 

Building robust and innovative financing mechanisms for water security through an IWRM approach will enable sustainable and more resilient management of our precious water resources. Out of the four dimensions of IWRM, financing is lagging furthest behind in progression towards achieving SDG indicator 6.5.1 on IWRM implementation. More financing needs to be made available for IWRM approaches and implementation from a variety of sources, including public and private sector and climate financing. What financial resources are available and how can these be mobilised? Which new and innovative mechanisms need to be created to enhance IWRM implementation and ultimately water security? To advance on these key questions, the SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme is organising a learning journey from May to October 2022. Watch this space for more details on the learning journey, as we will continuously update the information on this blog.  During this learning journey, you are invited to participate in expert discussions and panels, share experiences, and reflect on case studies, all related to innovative financing for water security, together with fellow IWRM professionals from all around the world. 

Have you missed the kick-off event in June? Read a summary and watch the recordings here.

Take part in the next event on September 8th, where we will hear from two countries' experiences on how to secure finance for water security. Register here.

Become part of the learning journey and join the SDG 6 IWRM Community of Practice 

The Learning journey will be facilitated within the SDG 6 IWRM Community of Practice (CoP). This community engages IWRM practicioners around the world to facilitate information, experience and resource sharing, to improve IWRM implementation at the global, regional, national, and sub-national levels. Together we aim to:  

  • share and learn from experiences, knowledge and news from the sub-national to global levels, on the challenges and opportunities of IWRM implementation, as well as innovative approaches and lessons learned.   

  • foster partnership and relationship building between community members and facilitate peer-to-peer support.   

  • activate learning opportunities and guidance, through interactive activities and opportunities such as online events and consultations, that engage IWRM practitioners on how to successfully employ an IWRM approach with innovative and creative thinking   

The SDG 6 IWRM CoP is open to any IWRM practitioner interested in exchanging on how to advance on IWRM implementation around the world. Specifically, SDG 6.5.1 Focal Points, Focal Points and other officials from national and sub-national governments working on all water-related SDGs (including but also going beyond SDG 6), NGOs, civil society, the private sector, academia and international organisations are welcome to join this CoP.  

How can you join this CoP? 

  1. Create a profile on the GWP Toolbox  

  1. Join the SDG 6 IWRM Community on the Toolbox!