Description / Abstract

A Webinar on Nature Based Solutions was held on 30 of March 2023. The main purpose was to help the students at secondary schools and young people between the 19 and 25 years to increase their knowledge on NBS and to help them to submit their proposal to the competition for selection of schools to participate at the 11th Sava Youth Parliament.The competition was announced on March 17, 2023 at the website of the Sava Commission. The webinar, which was organized in cooperation between the Sava commission, Global Water Partnership, University of Belgrade and University of Ljubljana, gathered more than 50 participants from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

The agenda included:

  • an overview of NBS presented by Darja Istenič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & GWP CEE,
  • the presentation of wastewater treatment wetlands by Alenka Mubi Zalaznik, LIMNOS, Slovenia,
  • the presentation of NBS for healthy cities by Anja Ranđelović, University of Belgrade,
  • the presentation of large-scale NBS in rural areas for flood risk reduction by Jasna Plavšić, University of Belgrade.

You can find the presentations in this post.

The recording of the webinar is here: https://savacomm-my.sharepoint.com/personal/sgroselj_savacommission_org…;

Publication year