Darja Istenič

Dear all,

On 4 June, in collaboration with the IWA Working Group on Nature-based Solutions for Water and Sanitation, we organised a webinar on lessons learnt and governance in NBS. We hosted four excellent speakers who shared their knowledge and first hand experience in policy aspects and implementation of NBS:

  • Ismael Leonardo Vera-Puerto, Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile: Technical and policy aspects related to treatment wetlands in Chile
  • Anja Pugelj, LIMNOS Ltd.: Lessons learnt from the treatment of wetlands in the Western Balkans
  • Robert Gearheart, USA: Free Water Surface Treatment Wetland in Arcata, California, USA (case study)
  • Ivana Korn Varga, Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe: Maximizing the Success of NbS Projects Through Efficient Stakeholder Collaboration

Here you can find the recording of the entire webinar. Many questions were asked during the webinar. We invite you to continue the discussion, express your opinion on the topic or share your experiences in the comments section below.
