Muganuzi Mushongole Adonis

Muganuzi Mushongole Adonis

Founder and Executive Director , Young Africans Refugees Entrepreneurs Network (YAREN)
Misheck Mwanza

Misheck Mwanza

Water Development Officer , Department of Water Resources Development
Erlind Naci

Erlind Naci

Finance and economic expert, Austrian Development Agency (EUSIWM Project)
Nidhi Nagabhatla

Nidhi Nagabhatla

Senior Fellow , United Nations University ( UNU CRIS)
Diana Nakalanzi

Diana Nakalanzi

Environmental Consultant, Verdant Consulting Limited
Louise claire NGATCHOUP

Louise claire NGATCHOUP

student, Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (including climate change)
Leticia Ngorima

Leticia Ngorima

Regional Communication Specialist, Global Water Partnership Southern Africa
Tafadzwa Njenje

Tafadzwa Njenje

District Water Development Officer, Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation
Shannon Kazia Norbert

Shannon Kazia Norbert

Water Science & Policy Specialist, McGill University
Abderrahmane Noui

Abderrahmane Noui

Rickson Nyambura

Rickson Nyambura

Pro poor/ informal settlement Coordinator , Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company
Suffcient Oatile-Sedigeng

Suffcient Oatile-Sedigeng

Hydrogeologist, Freelance