Dorji Khando

Dorji Khando

Mr., Department of Water
Lara Khasawneh

Lara Khasawneh

PhD Candidate , University of Szeged
Khaoula Khemiri

Khaoula Khemiri

Postdoctoral, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis
Abdul Khurshid

Abdul Khurshid

Predident/CEO, Association for Humanitarian Development
Wassie Dessie Kidie

Wassie Dessie Kidie

Lecturer, University of Gondar
Koetlisi Koetlisi

Koetlisi Koetlisi

Country Program Manager - Lesotho ICM Project, Africa Water Investment Programme , Global Water Partnership Southern Africa
Darja Könnig

Darja Könnig

Project Manager, International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance IRHA
Ivana Korn Varga

Ivana Korn Varga

Project Manager , GWP CEE
A Kuye

A Kuye

Student, NUH
Mario Lambán

Mario Lambán

Tech specialist, Global Water Partnership
Justine Lee

Justine Lee

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Fellow, World Vision, Inc.
Augustin LIKENGE

Augustin LIKENGE

Assistant de Recherche, CRREBaC