Marissa Mar Pecero

Marissa Mar Pecero

Water Education and Communication Strategist/Water Culture Coordinator at CCRB, Río Bravo Watersheed Council (CCRB)
Anh Nguyen Tien

Anh Nguyen Tien

Government trainee, RVO
Henk Ovink

Henk Ovink

Executive Director, Global Commission on the Economics of Water
Joe Ray

Joe Ray

Valuing Water Initiative, Government of the Netherlands
daru setyorini

daru setyorini

brantas river waterkeeper, ecoton
Raunak Shrestha

Raunak Shrestha

Programme Officer, Global Water Partnership
Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque

Laurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque

IWRM and Knowledge Management Specialist, GWP
Pieter van der Zaag

Pieter van der Zaag

professor, IHE Delft
Niels Vlaanderen

Niels Vlaanderen

Coordinator International Water affairs, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, The Netherlands
Isabel Wallnoefer

Isabel Wallnoefer

Youth and Water Stewardship Officer, IUCN
Sonja Wanke

Sonja Wanke

Researcher/Advisor, Deltares