Description / Abstract

Transboundary basin organisations have long been investigated, however their financial sustainability and governance have as yet received little attention. Commissioned by GIZ, the present study seeks to reduce that gap by giving an overview of the current financing of a sample of African, Asian and European River Basin Organizations (RBOs). Its focus is on financing sources for the organisations’ regular budget, which is defined as the permanent and recurrent budget that is being allocated to it or agreed upon by its member countries to sustain the regular basic operations of the institution. The aims of this paper are

  • to compile a database on core financial indicators for a sample of 23 RBOs, 
  • to gain a comparative overview of the current state of sustainable funding for the RBOs’ regular budget (chapter 3), 
  • to give an analysis of their cost-sharing mechanisms for member countries’ contributions (chapter 4), and
  • to make recommendations on the further development of a set of indicators suitable to benchmark RBOs’ financial sustainability, based on the lessons learned of the investigation (chapter 5). 
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