The IWRM Action Hub website is a global knowledge platform which supports actors to implement IWRM, share knowledge and expertise about their implementation experiences, and bring relevant stakeholders together to improve the way water is managed around the world.

In using this website and its various function, you agree to the following Terms of Use.


The information on this site, unless indicated below, is exclusively included as general information about IWRM. Our goal is to keep all information accurate and up-to-date to the extent possible. However, the Global Water Partnership (GWP), legally represented through the Global Water Partnership Organisation (GWPO), accepts no liability for the reliability, completeness, or accuracy of the information on, or downloaded from, the website and no rights whatsoever can be derived from the information or otherwise as a result of using this website.

The IWRM Action Hub contains links which may lead to websites on servers maintained by persons or organisations other than GWPO. GWPO is neither responsible for, nor does it endorse the content and privacy practices of such websites.

The IWRM Action Hub also contains a community function where registered users can interact with each other through the IWRM Action Hub community discussion functions and private messaging between registered members. GWPO retains the right to remove any comments or statements at any time which breach the provisions set out below.

The law of Sweden, excluding its choice of law rules, shall apply to your use of this website and Swedish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from this website.

Registering as a user

You can register in the IWRM Action Hub with a valid email address and a username that is not being used by another user. After creating your account, you will receive an email with the link to log in and set your password. This link can be used only once.

The rest of the profile information is optional except for the first name and last name, the gender, the organisation, the job title, the country and the profile image, The profile is divided in three main sections: basic profile information (first name, last name, gender, profile image, banner image); contact details (country, city, phone number, website, twitter account, Facebook account, LinkedIn Account); work profile (job title, stakeholder type, organisation, areas of expertise, short bio); and interests (region of interest, areas of interest, I want to,).

You can change or complement the data that GWPO holds about you by following the update procedure included on the website. If you want your personal profile and personal data to be deleted from the system, please send an email to GWP[@]

Login credentials are created by you when you register as a user on the website. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials.

Some of the features and contents of the IWRM Action Hub are only accessible to registered users. By registering at and using this website you:

  • confirm that any information provided by you relates to you, is correct, complete, and that you do not infringe someone else's personality rights
  • agree that GWPO collects and uses the data you submit in accordance with the IWRM Action Hub privacy policy
  • agree to abide by the terms of use of this website

Profile visibility

By creating your profile, you agree:

  1. That your first name and last name, profile picture, country, job title and organisation is made public in the IWRM Action Network section, accessible without any restrictions.
  2. That additional to the details stated above, other sections of your profile, including your location, stakeholder type, phone number and contact details (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts) are visible to registered users.
  3. That GWPO may remove your account if you violate the terms and conditions for use of this website or if we receive relevant complaints from other users. If GWPO deletes your account you may not create a new one without prior permission.

You can change the privacy settings of your profile by clicking your avatar at the top right corner of the page and selecting “settings''. The settings page allows you to show or hide different elements in the public view of your profile.

For further details on how GWPO manages and uses your personal data, please read the IWRM Action Hub privacy policy.

Functions of the IWRM Action Hub Website

1. Learn

Purpose of the LEARN section: Master the art of IWRM by browsing our handpicked tools and resources, pulled together by practitioners and professionals from all over the world. Eighty-seven Tools are organised based on the four IWRM components: A- Enabling Environment, B- Institutions and Participation, C- Management Instruments, and D- Finance.

The Learn section also includes a searchable resource library, including the tools, resources and also case studies, as well as a learning opportunities section.

Tools and resources

The knowledge content, including the tools, glossary, case studies, and references, are curated and updated by GWPO with the support of contributors. The views and opinions expressed in the IWRM Action Hub materials and resources do not necessarily express those of GWPO however. GWP reserves the right to periodically update the content of this site without prior notice to users.

Sources and external links are provided when making reference or adapting materials, figures, tables, or drawings which do not belong to GWPO. Since, GWPO is committed to the dissemination and sharing of knowledge, the content of the IWRM Action Hub can be reproduced for non-commercial purposes as long as full attribution is given. The recommended citation for any IWRM Action Hub materials is: GWP (2024) “Page Name”: IWRM Action Hub. “Url Link to Page”.   

Learning opportunities

Includes upcoming events and learning opportunities, updated and curated by GWP.

2. Explore


Purpose of the Explore section: Discover what IWRM means in practice with empirical case studies from all around the world. Match what you want to do with practical solutions by using our tailored curator and explore our IWRM Survey, an assessment instrument based on the SDG 6.5.1 questionnaire, as well as explore the status of IWRM by country based on the latest available data for SDG indicator 6.5.1. and obtain country-specific case studies and knowledge resources, pulled from the Explore and Learn sections.

Case studies

A case study is an analytical and critical examination of real events and practical experience which illustrates the implementation of IWRM, forming an essential part of the IWRM Action Hub.

Who can submit a case study?

Any water practitioner could submit a case study, as long as they are interested in sharing their experience working with IWRM concepts and developing the global IWRM Action Hub together. We warmly welcome our GWP Network and Partners to contribute their case studies too.

How to submit a case study?

To submit a case study we invite you to fill in the case study submission form, where you will be asked to provide essential information about the authorship and fill in required sections of your case study. Kindly note that authorship information is provided in a dedicated field, while your user profile information will be automatically listed as case study submitter. You will be prompted to list the corresponding author (primary author, responsible for over 60% of content) and the contributing author (any reviewers, collaborators etc).

To supplement your case study, you might upload supporting materials, such as photos, videos, external links and documents. By submitting any supporting materials the submitter acknowledges that they have appropriate rights to use these materials.

In order to ensure that the case is genuinely represented, it is important to clearly reference the institutions involved in the events/initiatives described in the case study. Where there are two or more strongly defined opinions about the case study in question, then this should be made clear by the authors. Submitting a draft case study on behalf of the organisation entails that the organisation has been informed and approves of the submission.

By posting a case study and data on this website you:

  • ensure that you own or are authorized to use and share any content you post on the website and its community tools. For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, such as photos, videos, and copyright-protected text you are responsible for securing the approval of the holder of the intellectual property right;
  • are aware that the information and data becomes available to all website users, and you allow GWPO to use the information and data as necessary for the operation of the website;
  • undertake to protect other peoples’ rights and not post any information that may infringe or violate other peoples’ rights. You may not post any personal or financial information of other people and/or organisations without prior permission.

Can GWP edit the case studies?

Following the submission, we will conduct an internal peer review and quality assurance process. This process starts with the GWP Knowledge Management team reviewing the draft case study. Then the draft might be shared with relevant GWP Regional Secretariat for peer review, depending on the case study content. Final step involves quality assurance by the GWP Communications Team. During this process we might contact submitter and authors at any stage to provide additional information or references for the case study. Subject to a successful quality assurance process, we will publish the case study on the IWRM Action Hub. Submitter and authors will be contacted via provided contact details before publishing to confirm the final case study.

GWPO is under no obligation to post or use any content provided by submitters and GWPO may reject, decline to post, or remove any content for any reason or no reason, at any time at its sole discretion.

Who owns the IP rights to case studies?

The authors retain intellectual property rights to the content of submitted draft case studies according to information in the form but by submitting the case study, provides GWPO with a license to modify the case study to fit the purpose of the IWRM Action Hub. Any modifications, edits or additions will be communicated and confirmed with the authors prior to publishing the case study on the IWRM Action Hub. GWPO reserves the right to reorganise the content on the published case study page according to its needs. Any substantial modifications to the content of published case studies will be communicated and confirmed with the authors in advance. Should there be no response within reasonable time from the authors regarding potential modifications to the published case study, GWP will proceed with modifications as specified in the request.


GWPO is under no obligation to take onboard, develop, implement, or use any of the information that is submitted in case studies.


What are promoted case studies?

To promote diverse content in the IWRM Action Hub, the GWP Knowledge Management team might highlight particular case studies on the main Case Studies page. After publishing your case study it might be used in promotional campaigns both on IWRM Action Hub website and within other GWP initiatives.

By submitting a draft case study you confirm your agreement for the GWPO to publish the submission on the IWRM Action Hub website, and elsewhere as determined by GWPO and to share information relating to the submission through the GWP website, network and on social media outlets.

Other provisions

You are specifically not allowed to post the following information in a case study:

  • post unlawful, malicious, or discriminatory content (e.g., through infringement of intellectual property rights, harassment, threats, pornographic, or violent material)
  • post spam or pyramid schemes
  • use bots, spiders, scrapers, or other automated agents to post information to the website
  • upload viruses or other malicious code
  • try to collect other users’ information
  • try to access other peoples’ account(s)

Country information and pages

On the IWRM Action Hub there are a number of maps and pictures of countries, regions and other geographical areas.

Maps and country names presented do not imply on the part of GWPO any judgement on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement of such boundaries, nor does the placement or size of any country or territory reflect the political view of GWP.

Maps are used in order to add visual clarity to data. The data is provided from the Country database - IWRM developed by the UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment. GWPO and its partners, reserve the right to update the information but do not warrant that the data presented is accurate and up to date. The data presented in the country pages is solely for the convenience of the user. GWP is not liable whatsoever on how this data is used.

IWRM Survey

The IWRM Survey is an assessment instrument based on the SDG 6.5.1 questionnaire. Users will be able to identify the main water governance challenges in their country of choice and get tailored tools, pulled from the Learn section, based on the identified problems. The survey consists of questions based on the four pillars of IWRM.

The IWRM Survey uses the official SDG indicator 6.5.1 monitoring questionnaire for: “Implementing integrated water resources management (IWRM)”. The questionnaire was developed by the UNEP-DHI Centre on Water and Environment under the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6. The Results page features “Key IWRM Challenges” based on the questions that received the lowest score submitted by the respondent and are therefore not indicative of those identified during the official SDG indicator 6.5.1. in-country monitoring processes.

GWP bears no responsibility or liable for how the results of the IWRM Survey or how they are used by users of the IWRM Action Hub. The personal information and data collected through the “IWRM Survey” will be used by GWPO for internal analytical purposes only, such as for improvements and updates and analysing traffic on the site. Under no circumstances will GWPO contact respondents, nor will it share the information with external parties.  

3. Connect

Purpose of the Connect section: The Connect section focuses on creating space for members of the IWRM Action Hub to connect and interact through the IWRM Network Map, specifically themed Communities and also find opportunities curated from the communities to engage with the Network.

Registration to the Community function

In order to interact with other members in the Connect section, you need to be registered as a member in the IWRM Action Hub (see section above, Registering as a user).

In addition to interact in the communities, using the different functions described below, all users who have registered an account (members) can send private messages to each other. GWPO is in no way responsible for the content of such messages between users of the IWRM Action Hub.

When you use the private messaging function, you are specifically not allowed to post messages that in any way may include the following:

  • abusive, unlawful, malicious, or discriminatory content (e.g., through infringement of intellectual property rights, harassment, threats, pornographic, or violent material)
  • spam or pyramid schemes
  • use bots, spiders, scrapers, or other automated agents to post information to the website
  • upload viruses or other malicious code
  • attempts to collect other users’ information
  • attempts to access other peoples’ account(s)

GWPO encourages all users to report any such messaging to GWP at gwp[@] Should GWPO detect itself or be informed that, such content exists in private messaging, GWPO may at its sole discretion remove and or expel the user from the IWRM Action Hub.

IWRM Network Map

The IWRM Network Map is an interactive online map that features all users who have registered an account (members) in the platform. Visitors will be able to click on points of the map, and view the registered members, along with some basic information about them (full name, job title, country location – depending on the member’s privacy settings), with jump links to their profile (to be able to view the full profile, visitors need to be registered and logged into the platform). The map is filtered by name, country type of stakeholder activity and expertise.

Communities of Practice

The Communities of Practice (CoP) are organised under eight (8) major thematic (anchor) areas. Each CoP featured its own members, moderators and content. Within the group, the following sub-sections are available: About (description of the group), Stream (shows latest activity), Materials (uploaded content), Opportunities (trainings, challenges and funding opportunities of the community), Events (uploaded events), Discussions (uploaded forum-like threads) and Members list that links to profiles.

Members of the CoP can upload content (comments in the Stream, Materials, Opportunities, Events and Discussions), but the Moderator (see below) is responsible to review the content first before it’s published (except for comments).


Moderators of each community can publish content outside the scope of their community, for it to become visible by external users and propagated throughout the different sections of the platform.

According to the group settings, group membership will be optional in order for an external user to contribute content (where you need to be a member).

Moderators have the right to decide not to publish content suggested by a user, if it violates the terms of use for the IWRM Action Hub The Moderator shall explain the reasons to the user.

Types of Communities

Within the IWRM Action Hub, the communities have different visibility options and joining methods. The moderators can decide whether the content published is publicly visible or visible only to the members of the community. Users can join communities by requesting to join, by being added by the moderator or directly.

Moderators also have the possibility to customise the viewing permissions of the content shared if they wish. There are two basic types of community:

  1. Standard

Standard communities are communities where the members within the community (logged-in to the platform) can join without permission from the group manager. All the posts, events and topics in the community are visible to other users on the platform. However, only members of the community can create content, post comments or events, discussions or events. Users can join the group by request and be added by the moderators.

Moderators also have the possibility to customise the viewing permissions of the content shared if they wish.

  1. Closed

Closed communities are a community where the stream, events, opportunities and discussions created are not visible to persons that are not members of the community. A non-member is only allowed to read the About section of the page and view who are the group moderators, and the members of the community. Persons can only join this community type by invitation from the Community moderator.

Community members are able to share: opportunities, events, blog posts, discussion threads and materials.

Using the community function

By using the Community function, you agree that any discussion you initiate or participate in, or content you post in a discussion forum will be related only to the sharing of knowledge about IWRM. You may not use the Community functions to post commercial services of any kind. You agree to use the Community function only in accordance with these Terms of Use, for its intended purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws and government regulations.

GWPO is under no obligation to acknowledge or review the content that you post on the Community functions, or otherwise respond to you in any way regarding your content, except to the extent the Moderator reviews the content.  GWPO assumes no responsibility or liability over the sharing of content posted on the Community function. If you post a request on the Community, GWPO may, in its sole discretion, comment on the request by affixing a status to the request.

If you post any content on the Community function, you are solely responsible for retaining a back-up copy of such content. GWPO is not responsible for any alterations, deletions or loss of any content you post to the Community function.

Dedicated communities

The UNCCD Communities of Learning and Practice

The UNCCD Communities of Learning and Practice are created in partnership with UNCCD. Under the UNCCD Communities of Learning and Practice microplatform, users can access an “Overview” section with the latest content published under the communities as well as the “Drought Toolbox” embedded from UNCCD Website.

Each UNCCD Community of Learning and Practice published in the microplatform has its own moderator, Within those, community members can share blog posts, events, materials, discussion threads and case studies.

In order to interact with other members in the Community of Learning and Practice on Drought Management, users need to register as a member in the IWRM Action Hub (see section above, Registering as a user).

In addition to interact in the communities, using the different functions described below, all users who have registered an account (members) can send private messages to each other.   UNCCD and GWPO are in no way responsible for the content of such messages between users of the Community of Learning and Practice on Drought Management.

By using the Community of Learning and Practice on Drought Management, you agree that any discussion you initiate or participate in, or content you post in a discussion forum will be related only to the sharing of knowledge about Drought management. You may not use the Community functions to post commercial services of any kind. You agree to use the Community function only in accordance with these Terms of Use, for its intended purpose and in compliance with all applicable laws and government regulations.

UNCCD and GWPO are under no obligation to acknowledge or review the content that you post on the Community functions, or otherwise respond to you in any way regarding your content, except to the extent the Moderator reviews the content.  UNCCD and GWPO assume no responsibility or liability over the sharing of content posted on the Community function. If you post a request on the Community, UNCCD and GWPO may, in their sole discretion, comment on the request by affixing a status to the request.

If you post any content on the Community function, you are solely responsible for retaining a back-up copy of such content. UNCCD and GWPO are not responsible for any alterations, deletions or loss of any content you post to the Community function.

UNCCD is safeguarded from any misuse, misinterpretation, or abuse that might occur in its dedicated communities.

WEFE4MED Knowledge Hub

The WEFE4MED Knowledge Hub is part of the PRIMA-supported WEFE4MED project (Oct 2022-Sep 2026) aims to foster the adoption of a Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus approach in the Mediterranean through a Nexus Community of Practice (NCoP) to confront the climatic and environmental challenges facing societies and agro-ecological systems.

In the WEFE4MED home page, users can find project updates, project objectives and communications materials, partners, and the latest content submitted to the Knowledge Hub. The WEFE4MED Knowledge Hub contains the main features of the IWRM Action Hub Communities of Practice and a tab for demonstrators aiming to showcasing the benefits of integrated natural resource management for sustainable, climate-resilient development in the Mediterranean.

In order to interact with other members in the Knowledge Hub, users need to register as a member in the IWRM Action Hub (see section above, Registering as a user).

If you post any content on the Community function, you are solely responsible for retaining a back-up copy of such content. The WEFE4MED Consortium and GWPO are not responsible for any alterations, deletions or loss of any content you post to the Community function.



The Engage section curates the opportunities, events and discussions of the standard communities dependent on the visibility options of the communities.

The feed that is shown allows users to view the latest events, opportunities and discussions that have been submitted in the platform’s communities (and published by the community moderators). It is important to note that these will be different than the events posted in the Learn section, as they will be centred around community activities (e.g. conferences, team meetings). These items can be searched by date, theme but also sortable by temporal or alphabetical order.


January 2024