In order to understand water endowments in relation to IWRM and to use it as a means towards reaching a wider goal of water security, decisions makers need to be able to assess how the policies, strategies, and initiatives that are put in place are performing and what outcomes and impact have been achieved. To that end, a coherent system of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) should be developed.
Monitoring and evaluation involves (GWP, 2006):
- Monitoring the process of implementation: To ensure that the actions outlined are being taken and that resources are being allocated and used effectively;
- Monitoring the outcomes of those actions: In terms of investments in infrastructure and changes in policies, institutional frameworks, management instruments, and financing;
- Evaluating the progress: Towards the achievement of goals and objectives;
- Using the information gained for learning: This is used to refine a project, programme, policy, plan or strategy and to inform evidence-based decision-making at different levels—from national planning to water user behaviour.
An appropriate and comprehensive M&E system can provide insights into the efficiency of a process and its management and help to reformulate policies, programmes, strategies or plans, reallocate resources and guide processes in a more efficient and effective manner. It also supports transparency and gives civil society and governments a way to assess the performance and impact of IWRM processes if information is made openly available (Tool B1.05). Information on progress is essential to ensure accountability and generate political, public, and private sector support for investment.