IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Igor Bodík

Igor Bodík

professor, Slovak University of Technology Bratislava
Antonia Püspök

Antonia Püspök

Assistant, IAWD
Damir Tomas

Damir Tomas

Senior Independent Engineer, Croatian Waters (Hrvatske vode)
Dragan Milosevic

Dragan Milosevic

Assistant Professor, University of Novi Sad
Adjoua Madeleine BROU

Adjoua Madeleine BROU

Membre, ONG WomanLeader / Association Prokids
Ganesh Ambike

Ganesh Ambike

President, Morya Samajik Pratishthan
Christopher Corbin

Christopher Corbin

Coordinator, UNEP Cartagena Convention Secretriat
Alice Andral

Alice Andral

head of water and hydrology team, CLS
Tsitso Mafantiri

Tsitso Mafantiri

Senior Conservation Officer, Ministry of Forestry, Range and Soil Conservation
Markus Fittkow

Markus Fittkow

Technical Coordinator, INWRDAM
Dmytro Stefanyshyn

Dmytro Stefanyshyn

Scientist, NAS of Ukraine
Osman Felix Cole

Osman Felix Cole

Project/Programme Manager, Earth Regenerative Project Sierra Leone