Welcome everyone to the Learning Journey on Innovative Financing for Water Security, through an IWRM approach. Over the coming four months, we will embark with you on a journey to jointly discuss and learn from each other on some of the challenges related to financing, but we would also like to hear from you which existing funding and financing sources are working well and why, which innovations we all should be aware of, and what enabling factors we have to be aware of to scale up much needed investments in water.
How does the Learning Journey work? The Learning Journey will include a series of online events, which we will post here and to which you are warmly invited to register. In addition, we will hold online discussions throughout the four months. Every two weeks, we will introduce a new focus (“sub-topic”) to the discussion to make sure that we cover different aspects, including challenges, different available (and/or needed) funding sources, discussions on the enabling environment and much more besides. We very much encourage you to actively take part in the online discussions. This space lives through the experiences and inputs of its members, so the more you share and interact, the more we will all get out of this community.