Yelysaveta Demydenko
in community Groundwater Family

Wednesday, December 7th, 3:00 PM-4:00 PM

Session coordinator: International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH)

A key element of the Sustainable Development Goal 6 Global Acceleration Framework comes under the heading of Innovation, that is, new, intelligent approaches and technologies to improve water and sanitation resource management and delivery. The use of scientific research and innovation to constantly enhance implementation of management solutions is essential. Innovations can be both technical and non-technical and are often based on scientific research but certainly beyond a research phase. Successful innovation is something that is translated into operational management and fosters groundwater governance.  Smart, novel practices can include technological advancements, novel educational outreach, original and thoughtful policy and conceptual approaches to water and sanitation, and unique, effective communication of the importance of groundwater’s protection and wise use. Given the more private nature of groundwater resources (often used at household level, although aquifer often have a regional to international dimension), innovation can imply different actions and priorities depending on the local context. 

During this session, an overview of the current state of innovation related to groundwater will be presented, followed by a panel discussion where some specific innovations will be presented by international experts. 


  • David K. Kreamer(Moderator)International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), and University of Nevada, Las Vegas, President and Professor
  • Richard Taylor(Rapporteur)University College London, Professor of Hydrogeology
  • Jared van Rooyen(Rapporteur)The Early Career Hydrogeologists' Network (ECHN) of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Chair
  • Jae Hyeon Park(Keynote)President, Asia Water Council, CEO, K-water
  • Viviana Re(Overview Presentation)University of Pisa/IAH Socio-Hydrogeology Network, Associate Professor
  • Alan MacDonald(Panelists)British Geological Survey, Head of Groundwater BGS, and Chair IAH Burdon Network for International Development
  • Johannes Grath(Panelists)Environment Agency Austria, Co-Chair CIS Working Group Groundwater
  • Kerstin Danert(Panelists)Ask for Water GmbH - Rural Water Supply Network, Director
  • Pia Yasuko Rask(Panelists)Grundfos Holding Ltd., Sr. Director of SafeWater
  • Seifu Kebede(Panelists)University of KwaZulu Natal, Professor