Thursday, December 8th, 3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Session coordinator: GWYN
Session contributor: UNESCO - IGRAC
The Summit Groundwater Youth Forum session will provide the opportunity to present youth considerations about groundwater resources and contribute to envisage new models and new solutions for the sustainable groundwater resources use and management.
The Groundwater Youth Forum aims to give the opportunity to youth, students and young (ground) water professionals to contribute to the global debate about water resources and a more water secure world, looking at sustainable social and economic development plans. It will constitute an opportunity for the youth to be at the forefront of decision making in the field of groundwater.
- Sabina Khatri(Moderator)UNU-FLORES, MoEWRI, RWSN, GWYN, Visiting Scholar, Hydrogeologist
- Jared van Rooyen(Moderator)The Early Career Hydrogeologists' Network (ECHN) of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH), Chair
- Daniela Barbati(Rapporteur)CEPAS USP
- John Cherry(Key Note)Principal Investigator at the G360 Institute; Director of the University Consortium for Field-Focused Groundwater Contamination Research, University of Guelph, Project Leader, The Groundwater Project
- Yolanda Lopez(Success Story)NO AFFILIATION, Indigenous member
- Endra S. Atmawidjaja(Intergeneration Panelists)Senior Advisor to the Minister on Technology, Industry, and Environment, MPWH, Indonesia
- Jeanne-Astrid Fouegue-Ngako De Foki(Intergeneration Panelists)African Development Bank, Manager
- Sophie Erfurth(Intergeneration Panelists)University of Oxford, UK, PhD researcher
- Bella Almillategui(Intergeneration Panelists)GHS - Polytechnic University of Catalonia (BarcelonaTech), Spain, PhD student
- Michel Frem(Youth Declaration)UNESCO Groundwater Youth Network (GWYN), Chair