Call for a collection of articles in Frontiers in Water…
Manuscript Summary Submission Deadline 31 January 2024
Manuscript Submission Deadline 31 May 2024
This collection of articles aims to contribute to improve knowledge about the wetlands all over the world. The focus on the relationship between wetlands, land use change and climate change will help describe their vulnerability in present days and future conditions under different anthropic drivers. At the same time, wetlands in different part of the world present characteristics that need to be understood to contribute to reverse their global loss and encourage their conservation. Thus, seeking geographical diversity of contributions will lead to an overall portrait of these important ecosystems. Beyond diagnosis, management tools and strategies, the role of cultural aspects and traditional knowledges for sustainable practices for wetlands conservation should also be considered. This collection of articles also aims to contribute to communicate scientific community’s findings to reach public opinion by asking authors to highlight their conclusions in an integrative framework.
Different types of papers are expected for this collection: research articles, review articles, perspective papers and case studies of wetlands restoration, management or environmental education practices.
The scope of this Research Topic includes, but is not limited to, the following themes:
• water security in wetlands
- nature-based vs. engineering-based solutions wetland restoration
-climate change impacts on wetlands
-wetlands' environment modelling with land and water use
-national public policies and global initiatives for wetlands
-social aspect of wetlands (cultural value, paleo aspects of wetlands)
-risk and wetlands’ vulnerability
• environmental education for wetlands’ protection
-cultural value of wetlands
-social and economic aspects of wetlands
-wetland awareness
-wetland-Based Education and Scientific Literacy