Invitation to the webinar: Leveraging Financial Strategies to support Nature-based Solutions for Water Security
January 31st at 10:00 AM (CET)
Link to register Leveraging Finance to Support Nature-based Solutions for Water Security
The event will explore how financial mechanisms like WIPs can drive the successful implementation of NbS. By showcasing models from around the world, the discussion will illustrate how PDBs and other stakeholders can collaborate to align financial strategies with the governance structures needed to ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources, addressing the gaps identified in the GCEW report.
As global water challenges become increasingly urgent, aligning financial strategies with sustainable water management has never been more crucial, as highlighted by the Global Commission on the Economics of Water's (GCEW) latest report. This report underscores the need for innovative financial mechanisms to tackle water scarcity and pollution while promoting sustainable practices. In this context, Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) offer cost-effective, environmentally friendly approaches for delivering water security and climate resilience.
Watershed investment programs (eg. water funds) exemplify how financial strategies can support NbS, mobilising resources and attracting private sector investments. They are most effective when coupled with strong IWRM frameworks that guide the governance of entire river basins. Public Development Banks (PDBs) are key actors in this model, providing financial support and fostering technical cooperation to scale NbS projects within these governance systems. However, PDBs interested in investing in WIPs often encounter difficulty identifying and building a pipeline NbS projects able to absorb funding.
Run of show
10:00 – 10:05
Setting the stage. Water Finance Coalition & The Nature Conservancy (Naomi Noël)
10:05 – 10:25
Keynote speech by a representative of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water
10:25 – 11:10
Panel moderated by Laurent Raspaud (AFD).
- Diana Madrigal (TNC/Nature4Water)
- Representative from the Asian Development Bank
- Marieke van Nood (Dutch Water Authorities)
- Aude Witten (Adour-Garonne Water Agency)
11:10 – 11:25
Q&A session moderated by Laurent Raspaud (AFD).
11:25 – 11:30
Conclusion by TNC and AFD
January 31st at 10:00 AM (CET)
Link to register Leveraging Finance to Support Nature-based Solutions for Water Security