Description / Abstract

This document reflects the collective views of the sectors and stakeholders as to why a coastal policy is needed and what the policy should address. Its creation began in early 1998 with the formation of a twenty-member intersectoral working group (including private sector) to capture Tanzania’s coastal management issues. They began by collecting, reviewing and synthesizing available information from sources in and outside the country. The working groups then spent five weeks visiting each coastal district and talking to people from government and civil society. They presented issues to a meeting for directors in October 1998. The working group then returned to the districts and villages to develop a vision, principles and strategies for addressing these issues. These were presented and confirmed at a meeting of directors in May 1999. This 18-month  process lead to the production of a draft Green Paper--Options for a National Integrated Coastal Management Policy. The draft was reviewed at a three-day retreat for Tanzania Coastal Management Partnership Technical Working Group members and representatives of the five ongoing local ICM initiatives. With their input, the Green Paper, which included options for policy implementation mechanisms, was finalized. 

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