IWRM Action Hub

Implementing Gender Transformative Approaches In Agriculture: A Discussion Paper for the European Commission

Description / Abstract

The European Commission project, “Taking gender transformative approaches to scale for impact on SDG2 – food security, nutrition and agriculture” aims to embed Gender Transformative Approaches (GTAs) in policy dialogue, programs and working modalities of the United Nations Rome-Based Agencies (RBAs). It will do this by strengthening understanding of GTAs of relevant staff and partners; by increasing collaboration, complementarities and synergies between the RBA interventions around GTAs; and by promoting an “institutional mind- set” shift within each RBA to engage with these approaches.

This discussion paper is designed to provide an understanding of GTAs and highlight implications for their implementation by RBAs

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Source URL:https://iwrmactionhub.org/resource/implementing-gender-transformative-approaches-agriculture-discussion-paper-european