IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Viola Otieno

Viola Otieno

EO scientist for Early Warning Systems, IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Center - ICPAC
Gemma Torres Sallan

Gemma Torres Sallan

Project officer, MedCities
Hilda Hoti

Hilda Hoti

Environmental Engineer, MSC Water Treatment, Policies and Strategy on IWRM Sector, Water Resources Management Agency , Albanian Water Resources Management Agency
wysax school

wysax school

seo, wysax
Janina Segura

Janina Segura

Representante en República Dominicana, Fundación Ecoconciencia
Moctar Dembélé

Moctar Dembélé

Researcher, IWMI
Grace Beeler

Grace Beeler

Director, After the Rain DBA The Appropriate Sanitation Institute
Grace Beeler

Grace Beeler

Director, The Appropriate Sanitation Institute
Abdullah Ceylan

Abdullah Ceylan

Meteorological Expert, Turkish State Meteorological Service
oulavanh sinsamphanh

oulavanh sinsamphanh

Lecturer, National University of Laos
Katrin Ehlert

Katrin Ehlert

Scientific Coordinator, MeteoSwiss
Munawaroh Caram

Munawaroh Caram

Freelance, None