IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Paul Johnston

Paul Johnston

Partnerships Manager, WaterAid
Sebahattin SARI

Sebahattin SARI

Environment and Energy, TurkStat
Alfieri Pollice

Alfieri Pollice

Chief scientist, IRSA CNR
Bertha Cecilia Garcia Cienfuegos

Bertha Cecilia Garcia Cienfuegos

Titular Researcher, National Universith of Tumbes
Miguel Araujo

Miguel Araujo

President, SalvaNATURA
Sabina Khatri

Sabina Khatri

Hydrogeologist ( Officer), Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, Nepal
Gaster Kiyingi

Gaster Kiyingi

Director, Tree Talk Plus
Ana Mugetti

Ana Mugetti

Miembro del Directorio, Instituto Argentino de Recursos Hídricos
Victor Burgos

Victor Burgos

-, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Instituto Regional de Estudios del Agua (IREA) - Instituto Nacional del Agua (INA)
Rafael Beriguete

Rafael Beriguete

Research Coordinator, Brightline Institute & Global Partnership, Inc.
wayne williams

wayne williams

Executive Director, CWWA
Aracely Herrera

Aracely Herrera

Nicaragua, La Cuculmeca