IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Mohammed Hammie

Mohammed Hammie

Water Journalist & Author, Freelance Water Journalist & Author
Trevor Hadwen

Trevor Hadwen

Agroclimate Specialist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Zekria Barakzai

Zekria Barakzai

Researcher, Independent Researcher
Kaushal Chapagain

Kaushal Chapagain

PhD Scholar, Asian Institute of Technology
Alejandro Zury

Alejandro Zury

Project Coordinator, Nature and Culture International
Márton Schrott

Márton Schrott

MSc student, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Rebecca Powell

Rebecca Powell

researcher, Rhodes University, Institute for Water Research
Neuza Mangujo

Neuza Mangujo

Gestor de Obras e Qualidade, SS Construcoes lda
Ján Žember

Ján Žember

designer, Vegetačné čistiarne
Kirsty Carden

Kirsty Carden

Director: Future Water Institute, University of Cape Town
Amela Bašić

Amela Bašić

Project engineer, Aquasan
Prabina Shrestha

Prabina Shrestha

Focal lead-Research and Innovation Committee, Youth for the Rhine