IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Valentina Mairey

Valentina Mairey

Student, Univerity
Yessica De los ríos

Yessica De los ríos

Biologist, YouthMappers
Nadire Vitija

Nadire Vitija

Manager for training and proffessional development, SHUKOS
Idriss Suleiman

Idriss Suleiman

Volunteer, classroom teacher, Self employment
Kabir Atobatele

Kabir Atobatele

Water Innovator, World Youth Parliament for Water
Aekesh Kumar

Aekesh Kumar

Researcher, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology
Ruth Idalia Romero Henrriquez

Ruth Idalia Romero Henrriquez

Ingeniera civil, OPAMSS
Ana fedele

Ana fedele

Engenier in water resourses, UNL FICH
Rafael Hernández

Rafael Hernández

Lic. en Geografía, MSc. , INAMEH
Ricardo Noite

Ricardo Noite

Lic en gestión ambiental , Ivic
Ievgenii Gerasimov

Ievgenii Gerasimov

Head of the Research Department, Professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering
Jean-Christophe Semako Djiman Toudonou

Jean-Christophe Semako Djiman Toudonou

Head of Department of Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus System, AGIRSAN GROUP