IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Jane Mills

Jane Mills

Associate Professor in Agri-environmental Behaviours, University of Gloucestershire
Miguel Angel Guerrero Ordaz

Miguel Angel Guerrero Ordaz

Ingeniero Forestal, INFALCOSTA
Samia Aloui

Samia Aloui

expert économie verte, APIA
Jose Gregorio Sottolano Gonzalez

Jose Gregorio Sottolano Gonzalez

Ingeniro Hidrometeorologista, independinte
Elizabeth Aular

Elizabeth Aular

Licenciada en Gestión Ambiental , Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ecosocialismo
Rodolfo Cisneros-Almazán

Rodolfo Cisneros-Almazán

Professor, UASLP
Edison Rodriguez

Edison Rodriguez

Gestor Ambiental, MINEC
Gerardo Evia

Gerardo Evia

Veterinario , Ministerio Ambiente
Laura Virginia Diaz Rosario

Laura Virginia Diaz Rosario

Ingeniero Agronomo, Consultora
sintayehu Abera

sintayehu Abera

Mr, Arba Minch
Romitha Wickramasinghe

Romitha Wickramasinghe

PhD Researcher, Nagoya University
Rim Aljabi

Rim Aljabi

Gender Advisor, CAWTAR