Rom Bolliger

Rom Bolliger

Campaign Lead , 1MYAC
Paulo Shinji Carvalho Yoshimoto

Paulo Shinji Carvalho Yoshimoto

Akil Crichlow

Akil Crichlow

Graduate Student , The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus
Yelysaveta Demydenko

Yelysaveta Demydenko

Senior Programme Associate, GWP
Eva den Boer

Eva den Boer

Youth Networks & Events , Wavemakers United
Neil Dhot

Neil Dhot

Executive Director, AquaFed
Sara Dia

Sara Dia

WRM, Climate and Innovation Consultant , Diaelta
Amadou Diarra

Amadou Diarra

Chairman of the Malian Association for the Defense of Environment and Water, Malian Association for the Defense of Environment and Water
habiba dida

habiba dida

Water Governance and Diplomacy student , NKE
Elena Egidio

Elena Egidio

PhD student, University of Torino
Chinemerem Enwereuzo

Chinemerem Enwereuzo

Assistant Programme Lead , Green Environment and Climate Change Initiative
Isabela Espindola

Isabela Espindola

Membership Engagement Office, International Water Association