IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Aster Hordofa

Aster Hordofa

Lecturer and researcher, Arba Minch University, Water Technology Institute, Ethiopia
Jose Bulle

Jose Bulle

Marino Mercante, Jubilado
Sikiru Tiamiyu

Sikiru Tiamiyu

Catchment Management Officer , Nigeria Integrated Water Resources Management Commission
Arinao Ramudzuli

Arinao Ramudzuli

Scientist Production, Department of Water & Sanitation
Ayenew Fenta

Ayenew Fenta

Regional programme planning, monitoring and evaluation Officer, NBD


Civil Technician, Kusile Rural District Council
Viviana Franco

Viviana Franco

Environmental Engineer at Van Oord Marine Contractor. Coordinator Fundraising and Partnerships at Youth for the Rhine Project., Van Oord Marine Contractor/ Youth for the Rhine Project
Arundhati Tewari

Arundhati Tewari

Intern, GWP
Ahmed Horuani

Ahmed Horuani

Engagement Manager, Synergy the Sustainability Lab
Luis Martínez

Luis Martínez

Sr, Dirección de Agua Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía
Olorunyomi Kayode

Olorunyomi Kayode

Student, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria
Chinemerem Enwereuzo

Chinemerem Enwereuzo

Assistant Programme Lead , Green Environment and Climate Change Initiative