IWRM by Country

IWRM by Country

 Explore the status of IWRM by country based on the latest available data for SDG indicator 6.5.1. Browse through the country profiles to obtain country-specific case studies and knowledge resources (extracted from the IWRM Data Portal).

Status of implementation
Very high (91 to 100)
High (71 to 90)
Medium-high (51 to 70)
Medium-low (31 to 50)
Low (11 to 30)
Very low (0 to 10)
Not Available
9 case studies
1 resources
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3 case studies
1 resources
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3 case studies
11 resources
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1 case studies
3 resources
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4 case studies
4 resources
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3 case studies
5 resources
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4 case studies
5 resources
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