The purpose of this volume is to help governments in their efforts to build, strengthen, and fully institutionalize their monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems, not as an end in itself but in support of improved government performance-in other words, sound governance. The volume brings together the considerable experience accumulated by the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) in its longstanding program of support for governments and Bank staff in their efforts to build M&E systems. It also draws on the growing body of literature from other sources on this issue. There is currently a great deal of emphasis on results and on being able to demonstrate performance. Part one starts by focusing on exactly what M&E has to offer to governments. Part two focuses on the experience of several countries that have succeeded in building a well functioning government M&E system. Part three analyzes the lessons from building government M&E systems in these and many other countries, both developing and developed. Ways to strengthen a government M&E system are presented in Part four. Part five maps out those issues where international experience with government M&E systems is not well understood or well documented. Finally, part six provides a series of commonly asked questions on M&E and their answers.