Description / Abstract

The National Energy Policy (NEP) was updated in December 2015 by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals. It aims to sustainably providing adequate, reliable and affordable energy to the Tanzanians. The NEP notably aims at scaling up the utilisation of renewable energy per se and to diversify the country's energy mix, using solar, biomass, wind, small-scale hydro and geothermal, including in buildings and industrial designs. Feed-in tariffs should be established, and renewable energy integrate both the national and isolated grids. Alternatives to wood for cooking are also promoted. Besides, the document calls for controlled use of new petroleum discoveries in the country. 

In terms of energy efficiency in the sectors of industry, residential, commercial, agro-based, and transport, the NEP aims at 1) facilitating the establishment of standards and code of practice for energy management, 2) ensure energy uses are benchmarked to industry prudent practices, 3) facilitate efficient biomass conversion and end-use technologies, and 4) ensure the integration of energy efficiency aspects in housing policies and building codes.

In transport, the NEP promotes a fuel switch to other forms of energy such as electricity, ethanol and compressed natural gas. The document also aims at strengthening institutional, legal and regulatory frameworks and developing a human resource to ensure the development of a sustainable Energy Sector, and promotes compliance with environmental, health and safety standards in the Energy Sector.

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