Description / Abstract

Indonesia has been confounded with increasing disaster trends since 2012. Statistics have shown that hydromet disasters account for almost 99.7% of all disasters in this region thus, necessitating the engagement of proactive measures to tackle these wicket climate change issues. According to UN report, disasters exacerbate pre-existing inequalities in areas such as education, income, gender, ability/disability, and social status. A deep understanding of diverse user needs is essential to enabling more inclusive and effective early warning and early intervention. It is vital to proactively incorporate the needs, priorities, and capacities of marginalized gender groups, vulnerable groups, and people with disabilities into the design of an effective early warning system. To reduce inequality gaps, an inclusive approach is recommended. Some communities have engaged in tackling the issue of climate change in an inclusive way and one such community is Papua.

Found in the Northern coast of Indonesia, Papua is an Island province that has been hit continuously with hydromet disasters. To effectively ascertain this, efforts must be inclusive and directed towards increasing community capacity, reducing exposure, and increasing resilience through awareness raising, mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, recovery, and climate change adaptation.  The AWAKE is a project that aims at "empowering inclusive early warning systems" in Papua and is centered on; 

            Child-Centered Preparedness for children between 7- 15 years

            People with disabilities - Centered Preparedness

It has four main learning styles; Visual, reading, auditory, and kinesthetics

Outputs so far have been collaborating with stakeholders, organizing learning materials, and visitations for children with disability. These efforts have been in a bit to reduce inequality gaps in disaster management and increase inclusivity in Papua. 

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