Coordination describes activities of two or more stakeholders who are focused on mobilising aid resources to harmonise policies, programmes, procedures, and practices to maximise the development of these aid resources (UN-Water, 2014). Alike water management decisions, coordination happens at several levels (i.e., international, regional, national, sub-national, and sectoral).
Overall, coordination bodies and platforms aim to overcome the “silo thinking” that is often present within the sector (Ait-Kadi, 2016). The bodies and mechanisms used for coordination must be adapted to the needs of the users and to the local context. Coordination bodies and platforms can serve different purposes under this broader objective (UN-Water, 2014):
- Policy Development: Collaboration with developmental partners to co-create and establish policy is often a pillar output of coordination. For example, UN-Water is a known coordinating mechanism, which coordinates the efforts of both UN entities and International Organisations working on WASH matters toward informing policy.
- Development of Common Strategies: Collaboration with partners to define common priorities, establish consensus, share goals and thus agree upon strategies and jointly monitor progress is another key function. Take for example the Conference of Parties (COP) mechanism which consists of representatives from member states; and it is aimed at reviewing implementation of the respective convention and collectively making decisions to further its progress.
- Assessment of Situation and Needs: Working with relevant partners to analyse the socio-political, technical, and economic environment, as an avenue to understand the causes, dynamics, and impact of various situations is a method that can be used in bringing coherence to a complex situation. Oftentimes an Impact Assessment Committee (Tool B1.04) can provide a mechanism for this type of assessment.
- Dialogue and Exchange: Meetings provide a space for evaluating present circumstances, advocacy and policy dialogue, knowledge exchange on lessons learned and it aids in building synchronized action moving forward. Additionally, one can expect to build trust, accountability, and transparency among actors present in a coordination mechanism. An example of a convening forum includes, the World Water Forum created by the World Water Council an international multistakeholder platform organisation with a mandate on mobilising action on critical water issues at all levels.
- Resource Mobilisation: A coordination mechanism can aid in creating a consolidated and cost-effective approach to fundraising, which can increase access to funding and efficient allocation of resources. For example, The World Bank, a global partnership advancing work on sustainable solutions and poverty reduction; and the Water Financing Partnership Facility, which mobilises additional financial and knowledge resources for implementation of the Asian Development Bank`s (ADB) water operations.
- Addressing Common Problems: Coordination mechanisms can be established for the purpose of facilitating the smooth operation of projects and programmes which has two or more partners responsible for the implementation. National Apex Bodies (Tool B3.02) in this way, can often provide a forum, for different government departments and other stakeholders to work in synergy on intersectoral objectives, preventing a silo focus.