Social change refers to transformations within the social structure, characterised by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behaviour, social organisations, and value systems (Form and Wilterdink, 2021 and de la Sablonnière, 2017). The impact of positive social changes in socio-cultural institutions, rules, behaviour, and value systems can create a great impact on water resources management. Indeed, there is a need to raise the environmental conciseness of water users by making them more responsible stewards. Change in people’s mindsets is something that cannot be achieved overnight and requires time, however it has been successful (Laybourn-Langton, Quilter-Pinner, and Treloar, 2021).
Improved water governance is not only about the hardware and techno-engineering solutions but must also account for the mindsets in society and whether such mindsets are favorable for progressing sustainability in the water sector. Yet, initiatives focused on social change are often overshadowed by techno-fix solutions. Realistically, governments and varying social institutions cannot “police” or “monitor” citizens every day. In this regard, it is important to positively change the mindsets of stakeholders and those in positions of power, which would encourage a respect for water as a physical resource, and the roles of water-related institutions (Tools B), policies (Tools A1), laws (Tools A2), and plans (Tools A3).