IWRM Toolbox

Master the art of IWRM by browsing our handpicked resources and tools, pulled together by practitioners and professionals from all over the world.

A. Enabling Environment: Policies, legislation, and plans that constitute the “rules of the game” and facilitates all stakeholders to play their respective roles in the sustainable development and management of water resources.

B. Institutions and Participation: The range and roles of political, social, economic, and administrative institutions and other stakeholder groups that help support IWRM implementation.

C. Management Instruments: The tools that enable decision makers and users to investigate socio-hydrological challenges and make rational and informed choices that are adapted to their context.

D. Financing: The budgeting and financing instruments and principles made available and used for water resources development and management from various sources.

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Pillar A EnablingEnvironment loading...
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