Albain Tchangou
Event date 14 Set '22 09:00 - 15 Set '22 09:00 (UTC)
Event location Zanzibar


Responsible organisation

Dear SAYWIN Youths


The GWPSA – Africa Secretariat sends its compliments to you.

You are cordially invited to the  Zanzibar Water Conference which is being convened The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar through the Ministry of Water, Energy and Minerals with support to Global Water Partnership Tanzania. The  conference is being held on 14-15 September under the theme “Seeing the Unseen: Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in a Changing Climate”  

The Zoom links for the conference are as indicated below. Each Session Room has its own Zoom link and will host specific sessions as per the attached programme and as indicated below. You will be required to register before accessing the meeting link.

A: Zoom link for Room 1


Will host:

i)            Presidential Opening Session

ii)           All Plenary sessions (Keynote presentations)

iii)          Presentations under Room 1 (Groundwater assessment in a changing climate)

iv)          Closing session 

B: Zoom link for Room 2 

Will host presentations under Room 2 (Conjunctive use of Surface and Groundwater in Enhancing Water Supply and Sanitation) 

C: Zoom link for Room 3 

Will host presentations under Room 3 (Water – Energy –Food Security (WEF) Nexus in a changing Climate)

Attached , please find the detailed agenda for the event. Kindly note that the time is East African Time ( GMT+ In case of any clarification, please reach out to Dr  Victor Kongo

