Sandra Bruehlmann • 5 May 2022
in community SDG 6 IWRM Community


I am delighted to welcome you all to this newly launched Community of Practice focusing on IWRM implementation within the framework of the SDGs. This is a place where you will be able to: 

  • Share experiences, knowledge and news on the challenges and opportunities of IWRM implementation, as well as innovative approaches and lessons learned;   

  • Communicate and build partnerships with other community members;   

  • Learn and get guidance, through interactive activities and opportunities such as online events and consultations, on how to successfully employ an IWRM approach with innovative and creative thinking   

We encourage you to use this platform actively so that you can  advance on IWRM implementation within the scope of your responsibility. To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic guidelines for participation. You will find them in the “about” section of this community. 

Please feel free to discuss any topics or questions of your interest in the “discussions” section. You can explore and post relevant background material, publications and readings in the “materials” section and post opportunities like job openings or tender invitations in the “opportunities” section. We also encourage you to share any relevant events you are aware of with the community through the “events” section. This community will be as useful to you and others as the time that you spend contributing to it.  

As a starting point of this Community of Practice, we would like to take you on a thematic learning journey, through which we will explore with you innovative financing for water security through an IWRM approach. On this journey, we will be joined by experts and practitioners sharing their insights and expertise on the topic, and we hope that this will be useful and relevant for you! This is the first learning journey of (hopefully) many more to come in this Community. I will soon post more information about the journey! 

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, doubts, comments or requests.  

All the best, 


Community moderator