IWRM Action Network

IWRM Action Network

Explore the network of water governance professionals, innovators, practitioners and policy makers who are passionate about advancing the governance and management of water resources for sustainable and equitable development.


The network members

Stakeholder type

User location: country

Michaelovamy Michaelovamy

Michaelovamy Michaelovamy

Automotive Glass Installer, Michaelovamy
FrancisMex FrancisMex

FrancisMex FrancisMex

Artillery and Missile Officer, FrancisMex
Thomas Sahinkuye

Thomas Sahinkuye

Assistant Lecturer, University of Burundi
MiguelNic MiguelNic

MiguelNic MiguelNic

Therapist, MiguelNic
Donaldgrolf Donaldgrolf

Donaldgrolf Donaldgrolf

Seashell collecting, Donaldgrolf
Muhammad Mahadi Isa

Muhammad Mahadi Isa

Yngrid Escobar

Yngrid Escobar

Ingeniero Agrónomo , INDER
Hassan Hassan

Hassan Hassan

WASH Project Officer, Qatar Charity
Claudia Aristizabal

Claudia Aristizabal

Ingeniera Agronoma, Agribiotec Group Sas
Louise Croneborg-Jones

Louise Croneborg-Jones

CEO, Water in Sight
Sinafekesh Girma

Sinafekesh Girma

Researcher, POLIMI
Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons

Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons

PhD candidate, VU Amsterdam