Innovators in Change for a Sustainable Future in Water and Climate
Innovators in Change for a Sustainable Future in Water and Climate
May 24 to June 5, 2024, the campaign is open to all youth (13-35 age) working or studying in China.
Innovators and their cases/submissions are at the forefront of developing localized solutions to address pressing regional/national needs and are dedicated to advancing transformative climate innovations for the establishment of an equitable and environmentally just green economy and resource ecosystem.
Through IWRM Action Hub, GWP China establishes a collaboration with UNICEF China, to showcase young innovators' actions and solutions. Specific aims include:
- Encourage, document and showcase actions by youth, to inform policy makers and other stakeholders in the sectors of water, sanitation, climate and sustainable environment.
- Facilitate participation of promising Chinese young people in a global stocktake of the progress against the Youth Development Plan and Agenda and the Voluntary Commitments made at the UN Water Conference is carried out and shared.
- Promote collaboration through the Action Hub webpage with various Stakeholders, including governments, private sector, development partners, communities and civil society organizations committed to putting the youth and children first in water and climate-related policies, programmes, and services.

- Download the template and send the case to titled: Innovators in Change_Case Study_Your Name_Your Organisation
- DEADLINE: before 24:00(Beijing time) 5 June 2024
- Read more cases here of others for your reference.
Main questions to be discussed
- The case has your firsthand or immediate experiences with water and climate challenges position them to tackle and resolve the issues they encounter.
- The case has pioneered climate solutions with the potential for transformative change through the youth innovative thinking and fresh perspectives.
- The case explores the potential of pilot and scaling of these innovative ideas across various sectors, while concurrently advocating with related departments to create conducive environments for fostering innovation.
- Excellent cases/solutions from youths and children documented, polished and released on the IWRM Action Hub Case Study section
- One Chinese representative selected to speak at the UNICEF-led Youth and Children's Water and Climate Forum during the Dushanbe Water Conference from 10-15 June 2024.